Olena Bilous
Olena Bilous

What's next? National Geographic Photo Camp 2023 Comrat Moldova

Відкриття виставки "Самота"

Вебінар «Як привернути увагу до соціальних проблем через візуал» Олена Білоус

Фотосесія народного вбрання для Краєзнавчого музею м. Івано-Франківськ

Olena Bilous has 12 years of experience in photography and marketing. She photographs for National Geographic, teaches photography, and creates social projects.
✅ Small Business Work - 2 hours of shooting equals a year of content. Olena helps clients define their tone of voice, develops an approximate content plan, and creates sales-driven photo content.
✅ Event Reports. In Ukraine, Olena has an individual entrepreneur status and extensive experience working with agencies. As fast as lightning - the event hasn't finished yet, and your PR specialist has already published photos.
✅ Consults those who create content for their business independently - knows how to infuse your photos with the desire to give you money.
✅ Teaches photography. She was part of the National Geographic team, where she taught students how to photograph.
✅ Social projects and work with the media. Her recent project was about the mental health of those waiting for their loved ones from the front, captivity, or occupation. Her works have been published in various media outlets.
✅ Baptisms - her favorite family direction. There are several videos on YouTube on how to prepare children for baptism.